ENT, Audiology & Rhinology Masterclass


Mar 25, 2023

Target Audience

Physician, Otolaryngologist, Audiologist, Nurses


Thoracic Radiology, Otorhinolaryngology, Otolaryngology, Audiology, Speech Language Pathology, Pediatrics


Join us for the ENT, Audiology & Rhinology Masterclass livestream webinar organized by the eMed Events on March 25, 2023. Here you will find presentations that relate to your ENT practice. ENT live webinars are intended to give the most recent updates and fundamental information on specialty topics that will help specialists, and general otorhinolaryngologist to stay updated with the latest evidence and best practice. The webinar will cover topics relating to the current ENT guidelines and practices through self-learning lecture videos, Live Lecture and Question & Answer (Q&A) sessions, and case studies consisting of small group discussions among participants.

Program Agenda and Speakers

Saturday | 25 March, 2023

10:00 AM - 10:30 AM GMT (30 Min)

Neonatal Airway Challenging Cases

    Learning objectives
  • 1. Airway management of neonates and babies with difficult and compromised airway.
  • 2. Discuss Inflammation in the airway (either from infection or injury from endotracheal intubation or recurrent aspiration).
  • 3. Discuss the Congenital obstructive lesions.
Alejandro Cocciaglia
Hospital of Pediatrics S.A.M.I.C. Prof. Dr. Juan P. Garrahan, Argentina
10:35 AM - 11:05 AM GMT (30 Min)

The Importance of Audiology Ethical Business Practices

    Learning objectives
  • 1. Know-how & knowledge improvement in audiology equipment sales
  • 2. Improve the percentage of high-end hearing aid sales individually
  • 3. Turnover increase
  • 4. Sustainable Business Development
Oliver von Borstel
Masters of Business Development Ltd, Netherlands
11:10 AM - 11:40 AM GMT (30 Min)

Increasing the Effectiveness of your Hearing Test Appointments with Pre-Test Education

    Learning objectives
  • 1. Positive perspective on hearing aids and hearing healthcare.
  • 2. A feeling of “partnership” with the hearing care professional.
  • 3. More effective hearing evaluations.
  • 4. Increased third-party attendance.
Jeffrey Szmanda
Each Ear LLC, USA
11:45 AM - 12:15 PM GMT (30 Min)

Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo: Epidemiology at a City in Amazonia

    Learning objectives
  • 1. Discuss the causes, signs, and symptoms of BPPV.
  • 2. Describe how to perform a thorough evaluation for BPPV.
  • 3. Explain how to treat all forms of BPPV.
Silvana Nobre Maziviero
Universidade do Estado do Pará, Brazil
12:20 PM - 12:50 PM GMT (30 Min)

Acute Vestibular Syndrome: A Clinical Diagnosis

    Learning objectives
  • 1. Acute Vestibular syndrome – causes and current treatment and diagnosis.
  • 2. Current concepts in acute vestibular syndrome.
  • 3. Learn about the validation of a comprehensive clinical diagnostic methods.
Enrico Armato
Dirigente Medico ORL, Italy
12:55 PM - 1:25 PM GMT (30 Min)

Tinnitus, a multicausal symptom- how do we make a diagnosis and realize the treatment?

    Learning objectives
  • 1. How do I provide an efficient and helpful tinnitus counseling to my patient?
  • 2. What do I need to make my work with tinnitus patients relaxing and effective at the same time?
  • 3. How do I realize a causal treatment for my patients instead of losing efficacy with symptomatic approaches?
Michael Golenhofen
Tinni-Care, Germany
1:30 PM - 2:00 PM GMT (30 Min)

Spin your Brain- For Good

    Learning objectives
  • 1. Learn how sports training tools - can apply to the general public.
  • 2. Vestibular training applications.
  • 3. Groups that would benefit: Autism, athletes, learning issues, Post-Concussion/TBI, aging, military.
  • 4. Pre/Post test results via BodiTrak Balance/Biometric mat.
  • 5. Videos & testing: showing the improvement in non-spatial disorientation applications.
  • 6. Videos & testing: showing the improvement in balance applications
  • 7. Videos & testing: showing the improvement in cognitive disorientation applications.
Sheila Thelen
Vestibular Training Services LLC, USA
2:05 PM - 2:35 PM GMT (30 Min)

Nasal Septal Perforations

    Learning objectives
  • 1. To understand the cause and symptoms.
  • 2. Diagnosis
  • 3. Discuss the Management options
  • 4. Case discussions.
Paresh Naik
University Hospitals of Northamptonshire, UK
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