Organizer Profile
British Association of Dermatologists (BAD)

British Association of Dermatologists (BAD)

London, England, United Kingdom

The British Association of Dermatologists (BAD) is a charity whose charitable objects are the practice, teaching, training and research of Dermatology. It works with the Department of Health, patient bodies and commissioners across the UK, advising on best practice and the provision of Dermatology services across all service settings. It is funded by the activities of its Members.

Established in 1920, it is a registered charity with an incorporated body of trustees, the Executive Committee, who are all dermatologists elected by the membership. The Officers, supported by the professional staff carry out the day to day business from Willan House, the headquarters building in central London.

The BAD has clear objectives which are set out in the Constitution and are taken forward by the business units and sub-committees

The mission of the BAD is to champion dermatology in the UK for the public benefit. This means developing educational content and courses, publishing dermatology research, holding dermatology events and conferences, promoting innovation in dermatology care, and engaging with decision-makers and stakeholders within the dermatology community and wider health system.

The slogan of the BAD is ‘healthy skin for all’, something that remains at the heart of everything they do, but this doesn’t necessarily illuminate their values. This section outlines their key policies on issues beyond that ‘healthy skin for all’ mantra.