Organizer Profile
British HIV Association (BHIVA)

British HIV Association (BHIVA)

Letchworth garden city, England, United Kingdom

BHIVA is the leading UK association representing professionals in HIV care. Since 1995, they have been committed to providing excellent care for people living with and affected by HIV. BHIVA is a national advisory body on all aspects of HIV care and they provide a national platform for HIV care issues. Their representatives contribute to international, national and local committees dealing with HIV care. In addition, they promote undergraduate, postgraduate and continuing medical education within HIV care.

Objects of the Association:
• To relieve sickness and to protect and preserve health through the development and promotion of good practice in the testing and treatment of HIV and HIV-related illnesses and in such other charitable ways as the CIO, through its charity trustees, may from time to time decide.
• To advance public and professional education in the subjects of HIV and the symptoms, causes, treatment and prevention of HIV-related illnesses through education and the promotion, conduct and dissemination of research and the dissemination of the useful results of such research, and best practice through regional, national and international meetings, conferences, the BHIVA Research Awards programme and guidelines, and in such other charitable ways as the CIO, through its charity trustees, may from time to time decide.
• To promote optimal outcomes for people living with, and affected by, HIV through the development and dissemination of national guidelines and standards, audit, research and in such other charitable ways as the CIO, through its charity trustees, may from time to time decide.
• To support other organisations through activities including collaborative responses to consultations, media representation of HIV, workforce planning and, exceptionally, individual cases of stigma, discrimination or suboptimal care and in such other charitable ways as the CIO, through its charity trustees, may from time to time decide.

Powers of the Association:
In furtherance of the above objects BHIVA shall have the following powers:
To raise funds; but in such a way that the Association does not undertake any substantial, permanent trading activity.
To disseminate the results of research through scientific meetings and through the official publications of BHIVA.
• To act as a national advisory body to professions and other organisations on all aspects of HIV care.
• To provide a national platform for HIV care.
• To provide representatives for international, national and local committees dealing with HIV care.
• To promote undergraduate, postgraduate and continuing medical education within HIV care.
• To promote and monitor high standards of care through advisory groups and the development and distribution of guidelines.
• To set achievable targets and indicators of care against which success can be measured through national audit and other governance measures.
• To publish and promote material related to the aims and objectives of BHIVA.
• To do all such other things as shall further the objects of the Association.