Organizer Profile
British Society of Lifestyle Medicine (BSLM)

British Society of Lifestyle Medicine (BSLM)

East Lothian, Scotland, United Kingdom

The BSLM was set up to promote the role of lifestyle medicine in improving people’s health and wellbeing. They believe many lifestyle-related diseases can be prevented, managed and even reversed by properly applied lifestyle medicine principles. The society was founded in 2016 by two GPs and a surgeon – Dr Rob Lawson, Laurence Stewart and Michael Boyle. They now have more than 1,000 members drawn from a range of disciplines.

Mission Statement:
BSLM is an independent, evidence-informed, non-profit-making and diverse regulated charitable organisation dedicated to promoting lifestyle as medicine as per our mission statement with honesty, transparency and integrity.

In particular BSLM recognises the primacy of science, and promotes the adoption of practical tools in management of the wider determinants of lifestyle related disease. BSLM does not adhere to any single approach to nutrition, and encourages a range of dietary approaches that are supported by appropriate scientific evidence. It has no religious affiliations and no political affiliations.

BSLM is registered as a member of the Lifestyle Medicine Global Alliance which has (free) membership for properly constituted Lifestyle Medicine Societies around the world. They are regulated by the Office of Scottish Charities Regulator and produce annual reports and independently verified accounts for lodging and public scrutiny.

Our income derives from membership subscriptions, some educational events and Lifestyle Medicine Certification exam fees. One third of the exam fee is paid to the International Board of Lifestyle Medicine which has ‘ownership’ of the exam. All other outgoings relate solely to BSLM activities including running educational events for society members, health professionals, students and members of the public.

There are no pre-requisites to membership beyond an assumption that the BSLM mission statement resonates with members and with which they agree. Aims
Their key aims are to …
• Raise awareness of the principles and practice of lifestyle medicine
• Promote greater adoption of lifestyle medicine in healthcare and society
• Provide opportunities for learning and knowledge sharing among healthcare professionals around lifestyle medicine
• Develop a solid evidence-base to support the use of lifestyle medicine in the treatment, management and reversal of chronic disease