Francesco Blasi, MD, FERS is a Professor of Respiratory Medicine in the Department of Pathophysiology and Transplantation at the University of Milan, in Italy. He is Head of the Internal Medicine Department and the Respiratory and Lung Transplantation Unit, at Fondazione IRCCS Ca’ Granda Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico, also in Milan. Dr. Blasi serves as Director for the Adult Cystic Fibrosis Center at the Lombardia Regional Referral DF Center, and as a member of the Board of Directors at the University of Milan. Dr. Blasi received his medical degree from the University of Milan, where he earned specialty certification in cardiology and respiratory disease, and later, a doctoral degree in respiratory disease. His research interests include the effects of atypical bacterial infection on immunity at the cellular level in chronic bronchitis, the effects of antibiotics on COPD, and the roles of viral infection and atypical bacteria in asthma onset. Dr. Blasi has detailed his research and findings in hundreds of peer-reviewed articles and numerous book chapters and books. Dr. Blasi is a Founder and a Member of the Executive Committee of the European Registry of Bronchiectasis (EMBARC), the Italian Bronchiectasis Registry (IRIDE), and the Italian NTM Registry (IRENE), as well as a Fellow and Honorary Member of the European Respiratory Society, and a Member of Istituto Lombardo Accademia di Science e Lettere
EVENTS & ACTIVITIES (Speaking, Spoken, and Authored)