Speaker Profile
Gulsun Evrendilek

Gulsun Evrendilek PhD

Food Chemistry
Boston, Massachusetts, United States of America

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Dr. Gulsun Akdemir Evrendilek, the food scientist, completed her MS.c. and Ph.D. degrees in the Food Science and Technology Department, Ohio State University, USA. Presently she is a Prof. in the Department of Food Engineering at Abant İzzet Baysal University, Turkey. Her research focuses mainly on nonthermal food processing technologies including pulsed electric fields, high-pressure processing, ozone, UV, the effect of nonthermal food processing technologies on food bioactive compounds, traditional foods, and their health effects. Her recent works focus on the formulation of functional foods and the determination of the effect of nonthermal food processing technologies on functional properties as well as shelf life extension through physical, chemical, sensory, and microbiological analyses.