Speaker Profile
Jean-philippe Empana

Jean-philippe Empana MD, PhD, HDR

Cardiovascular Disease, Epidemiology
Paray-vieille-poste, Ile-de-France, France

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Dr Empana JP co-leads the INSERM Integrative Epidemiology of Cardiovascular Diseases team at the Paris Cardiovascular Research Center. During his medical studies, he completed a public health internship which introduced him to the world of academic research. He thus worked in different INSERM units in France on themes of neonatal epidemiology (EPIPAGE, Paris), and osteoporosis (EPIDOS, Paris) before engaging in CV epidemiology (P Amouyel unit in Lille). After his doctorate in epidemiology on the theme of cardiac arrest (Equipe AVENIR, X Jouven and P Ducimetière, Paris), Dr Empana joined INSERM in 2006 as a researcher (CR1). He has since developed his research theme around new risk markers for cardiovascular diseases and their contribution in terms of CV prediction on the one hand, and around new approaches to the prevention of CV diseases and in particular primordial prevention on the other hand. Dr Empana currently coordinates the EPP3 cohort on new determinants of CV diseases which has been following 10,157 volunteers aged 50 to 75 years in 2008 since 2008. Dr Empana's work on primordial prevention is a reference in the field. After an approach in adults, Dr Empana is currently extending this approach to children within the framework of EDEN and other European birth cohorts. With X Jouven, they created an INSERM CV epidemiology unit in 2009, following an AVENIR team. This team that Dr. Empana co-leads with heart transplants. On all of these themes, the team has built a network of national and international collaborations in Europe, Africa, and the United States.