Dr. Robert Mallet, Regent’s Professor, Department of Physiology and Anatomy, UNTHSC. BS Biology 1980, Catholic University of America; Ph.D. 1986, George Washington University; postdoc 1986-90, Uniformed Services University. Dr. Mallet teaches renal, gastrointestinal, and cardiovascular physiology for the Texas College of Osteopathic Medicine (TCOM) and the School of Biomedical Sciences (SBS), and Metabolism for the Program in Physician Assistant Studies. He is Major Professor for one D.O./Ph.D. student and a UNTHSC PDRT scholar, serves on advisory committees for 10 Ph.D. and M.S. students, hosts TCOM honors research scholars and undergraduate scholars in UNTHSC’s SMART program, and mentors M.S. students in GSBS’ Clinical Research Management program.
Dr. Mallet’s longstanding research interest is to identify and develop treatments to protect internal organs threatened by interruptions of their blood flow and oxygen supply. Current studies are focused on developing novel organ preservation fluids containing metabolic fuels and antioxidants to prevent harmful energy depletion, oxidative stress, and inflammation in explanted kidneys during transport from donor to recipient. By improving the preservation of explanted kidneys, this work aims to increase the supply of transplantable kidneys to help address the mounting demand imposed by the current epidemic of end-stage renal disease.
Dr. Mallet serves UNTHSC as an internal advisor for the Initiative to Maximize Student Diversity (IMSD), faculty mentor for the Steps Toward Academic Research (STAR) Leadership grantsmanship program, member of TCOM’s Student Performance Committee, and Director of the Leadership Fellowship program for the AIM-AHEAD initiative. His professional service includes Physiology Section Editor for Experimental Biology and Medicine, Councilor and Publication Committee Chair for the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine, item writer and exam content reviewer for the National Board of Osteopathic Medical Examiners’ National Faculty in the Foundational Biomedical Sciences, grant application reviewer for the American Heart Association Cardiac Arrest Clinical/Population/Basic Committee, and manuscript peer reviewer for physiology, cardiology and neuroscience journals.