Speaker Profile
Sarah Amin

Sarah Amin PhD, MPH

Kingston, Rhode Island, United States of America

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Sarah Amin, Ph.D., M.P.H., is an Assistant Professor and Director of Community Nutrition Education (SNAP-Ed, EFNEP & CYFAR). These research-based programs aim to prevent or reduce health disparities such as diet-related chronic diseases and obesity in the RI low-income population through hands-on education with accompanying policy, systems, and environmental supports. As such, Dr. Amin is passionate about working in partnership with the community to develop and test innovative methods to promote positive health outcomes across underserved audiences.

Dr. Amin has a specific research interest in nutrition and physical activity in schoolchildren and how the environment, policies, and psychosocial factors shape these behaviors. Her early research addressed the application of dietary assessment methods including digital imaging to evaluate school nutrition policy and behavioral interventions and more recently on food literacy as a framework for nutrition education in schools. She also has emerging interests in the out-of-school environment and summer learning loss and was recently awarded a USDA CYFAR grant, Project StRIde: Science and Technology Reinforced by Innovative Dietary Education to address dietary behaviors and STEM academic achievement of at-risk youth attending summer camps.

Dr. Amin completed her post-doctoral training in school-based physical activity interventions at the Tufts University Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy. She received her Ph.D. in Nutrition and Food Science from the University of Vermont, and M.P.H. from Brown University.