Speaker Profile
Ted Heise

Ted Heise PhD, RAC

Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics
West Lafayette, Indiana, United States of America

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Ted Heise, PhD, RAC is Vice President of Regulatory and Clinical Services at MED Institute. In this capacity, with 25 years of experience, he leads the company in developing scientifically robust regulatory and clinical study strategies for its clients. He is a member of the Regulatory Affairs Professionals Society, the American Chemical Society and is a U.S. delegate to the technical committee for international consensus standards that govern biocompatibility testing and clinical investigations of medical devices. Dr Heise is also active in developing processes to generate real-world evidence for medical devices, representing Cook Medical on the corporate stakeholder board for the SVS/Vascular Quality Initiative and participating in projects within MDEpiNet (e.g., RAPID) and Harmonization by Doing. Dr Heise graduated Magna Cum Laude with a BS in chemistry from the University of Nebraska at Omaha and a PhD in analytical chemistry from Iowa State University.

EVENTS & ACTIVITIES (Speaking, Spoken, and Authored)