Speaker Profile
Tracy Granzyk

Tracy Granzyk BA, MS, MFA

Healthcare Management
Washington, Dist of Col, United States of America

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Tracy Granzyk, MS, MFA is a writer, filmmaker and healthcare content developer working to increase awareness around a culture of safety, health equity and patient engagement throughout the healthcare continuum. She has a growing portfolio of innovative healthcare related stories for web, print and film, which incorporates knowledge gained from a wide variety of roles held throughout healthcare delivery, including research, administration,and the biotech industry. Having worn multiplehealthcare hats, the result isa unique perspective into what makesthe industry tick, and the environment often serves as a muse for her creative work.

Tracy is currently represented by Dara Hyde at the Hill Nadell Literary Agency while at work on a creative nonfiction book based on a patient story of harmand the health system that took a novel approach after killing a 39-year-old mother of two young girls: They told the truth. She is also an aspiring screenwriter for big and little screens and is working on a TV pilot inspired by The Good Wife, Breaking Bad and The Sopranos, set in present-day medical-legal culture where victims and villains are plentiful. Tracy has three feature filmscreenplays in various draft forms.

By day, Tracy serves as the Director, Center for Healthcare Narrative at the MedStar Institute for Quality and Safety, and is faculty at the Georgetown University School of Medicine, and the Academy for Emerging Leaders in Patient Safety where her focus is creating a space for all to share their stories.

EVENTS & ACTIVITIES (Speaking, Spoken, and Authored)